Animal dander is the small particles of dead skin cells found on the surface of cats, dogs, birds, and other animals. Animals constantly shed their dead skin cells, and as they move the dander is deposited on anything the animal touches. Animal dander also becomes airborne. It is extremely light-weight and will stay airborne even longer than pollen.

At Albany ENT & Allergy Services PC, we recognize the important part your pets play in your life. Learning you have an allergy to your pet usually means adjusting your relationship to minimize your allergic exposure while maximizing your continued relationship with your pet.
The tips here are designed to help you accomplish just that.
Remember that allergens are cumulative. Your reaction is compounded when you are exposed to multiple sources of irritation so reducing the total allergens in your environment is critical to relief. Maintain good communication with your physician about your symptoms to help determine the best treatment options for you.
- Create at least one allergy–safe room in your home; this should be your bedroom.
- Do not allow your pets in this room.
- Eliminate carpets, heavy drapery and fabric furniture where possible.
- Use hypoallergenic covers for your pillows and mattresses.
- Keep your bedroom door closed.
- Designate other “pet-free” areas in the home, especially where carpets are present.
- Make sure your pet is brushed or groomed regularly. When you groom them, do it outdoors or away from the main living areas. If possible, avoid brushing your pet yourself, encourage a non-allergic family member to perform this task.
- Give your pets frequent baths. When you give them baths, do it outdoors or away from the main living areas.
- Limit or avoid kissing and hugging your pet as much as possible.
- Wash your hands after handling your pet, especially before touching your eyes or face.
- Feed your pet a well–balanced diet; this may help to minimize hair loss, which may also help to reduce dander.
- Keep litter boxes away from areas of air filtration vents.
- Clean and vacuum regularly using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.
- Provide good ventilation in your home, and use portable air purifiers with HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters throughout your home. Remember to change the filters frequently
To determine the full extent of how pet allergies may affect your health, come visit Albany ENT & Allergy Center today. Schedule an appointment with one of our experienced physicians today!
Call Albany ENT & Allergy Services at (518) 701-2085 for more information or to schedule an appointment.