In the heat of competitive games like touch football or basketball, accidents can happen, sometimes leading to a broken nose. If you find yourself in this situation, there are primarily two approaches to treatment: manual realignment or surgical intervention. Here’s a look at when each option is appropriate.
Recognizing a Broken Nose
Identifying a broken nose involves watching for specific symptoms, which may include:
- Swelling on and around the nose.
- Tenderness or pain when the nose is touched.
- An unusual or crooked appearance.
- Bleeding from one or both nostrils.
- Difficulty breathing through the nose.
- Bruising around the nose and eyes.
If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly.
Diagnosis Process
A doctor will typically start by gently examining the nose, checking for deformities and assessing the nasal passages. They may recommend imaging studies, such as an X-ray, to determine the extent of the injury.
Manual Realignment
For cases where the nasal bones or cartilage have shifted, manual realignment may be possible, ideally within 14 days of the injury. This procedure usually involves:
- Administering pain relief, often through a nasal spray or injection.
- Using a nasal speculum to open the nostrils for better access.
- Employing specialized tools to reposition the bones and cartilage correctly.
- Applying nasal packing or a splint to maintain alignment.
- Prescribing antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.
Surgical Intervention
If the injury is more serious or treatment is sought after the two-week window, surgical options may be necessary. This can include reconstructive surgery if the septum is damaged or stitches if there are cuts in the skin. Typically, these surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis.
Addressing Nasal Septal Hematoma
In cases where a nasal septal hematoma occurs, or a collection of blood within the septum, it’s crucial to address this condition as well. If blood vessels are disrupted, fluid may build up under the lining of the septum. To treat this, a doctor will make a small incision to drain the collected blood.
If you have further questions about broken nose treatment or wish to schedule a consultation with a specialist, don’t hesitate to contact Albany ENT & Allergy Services today.