As a parent, it can be hard not to stress and react to every cough, sneeze and shiver your child makes. Knowing when a cough is just a cough and when it may require medical intervention can help relieve a lot of your stress.
Why Do Children Cough?

Coughing is the most common presenting symptom in primary care settings. A cough is a reflex reaction the body has to soothe or clear the airways. An occasional cough may be nothing more than your child attempting to expel irritants. However, coughs lasting more than one week, bringing up discolored mucus or accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or wheezing require medical attention.
A few common conditions that result in prolonged or productive coughing lasting between two and eight weeks include:
- Frequent exposure to irritants like smoke, pollen, strong odors, mold, dust and mucus
- Cold
- Flu
- Sinus infections
- Acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis
- Whooping cough
- Pneumonia
- Asthma or allergies
Coughing is considered chronic when it lasts more than eight weeks. A few causes of chronic cough may include:
- Chronic bronchitis
- Asthma or allergies
- Chronic lung or cardiac conditions
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Postnasal drip
- Throat and vocal cord disorders
How Can You Manage Your Child’s Cough?
If your child’s cough lasts longer than one week, your provider will likely treat it based on the underlying cause. For instance, if you have an infection, they may prescribe antibiotics or antiviral medication. For allergies, they may suggest allergy medication or allergen avoidance (avoiding Lincoln Park on high pollen days, for instance).
In addition to medical treatment, you can help ease your child’s cough at home using one or more of the following remedies:
- Encourage your child to drink plenty of water or juice.
- Run a hot bath for your child. The warm, moist air from the running water will help ease dryness in their throat.
- Run a humidifier when possible.
- Provide popsicles, cough drops or hard candies if your child is old enough.
Hearing your child cough can be scary, but we’re here to help. Contact Albany ENT & Allergy Services today to make an appointment with one of our specialists for diagnosis and treatment.