What Parents Should Keep in Mind About Their Children’s ENT Health
No parent wants to see their child sick, but unfortunately, it happens. For severe or chronic problems related to the ears, nose or throat, your child may be referred by their pediatrician to an ENT physician, also known as an otolaryngologist. Below we review what to keep in mind about your child’s ENT health. Snoring…
Improve Your Quality of Life With Amptify During Audiology Awareness Month
Often times, when speaking with patients and their families, an audiologist hears that “hearing and listening are very different.” This is quite true! Hearing aids improve hearing, but effective communication is more than that; it involves the brain and listening. Just like you may go to physical rehabilitation after a musculoskeletal injury, aural rehabilitation can…
If Your Doctor Has Recommended a Mastoidectomy, Here’s What You Should Know
The mastoid is the part of your skull located behind your ear, and it is filled with air cells made of bone that are shaped like honeycomb. A mastoidectomy is a surgical procedure that may be recommended to remove diseased mastoid air cells, which are usually the result of an ear infection that has spread…
Middle Ear Surgery: What It Is & Why It May Be Necessary
If you’re experiencing a condition affecting your middle ear, your physician may recommend surgery to treat it. Below are the four types of middle ear surgery and when each may be necessary. Myringoplasty Myringoplasty is a procedure for repairing a hole in the eardrum. This is accomplished by placing a graft over the hole made…
Helpful Tips for Preventing Swimmer’s Ear
Swimmer’s ear is a type of infection that occurs in the outer ear, which is the area between the visible part of your ear and your eardrum. It is caused by water becoming trapped in the ear canal and creating a breeding ground for bacteria. While swimmer’s ear isn’t serious in most cases, it can…
What You Need to Know About Middle Ear Surgery
Within the middle ear is the eardrum. If you attend a concert at Palace Theatre and stand near a speaker without hearing protection, you run the risk of rupturing your eardrum. If the tear is minor, you may be able to let it heal on its own, but if it’s severe, it may require surgery….
What Is Ear Tube Surgery?
If your child experiences frequent ear infections, their pediatrician may suggest ear tube surgery. While the idea of your child undergoing surgery may be nerve wracking, this procedure is common, safe and effective. We provide an overview of what you need to know about ear tubes below. Ear Tubes Treat Ear Infections Ear infections are…
How to Safely Clean Your Ears
Washing your face and body every day is important for your physical and mental health. But there is one body part that does better when not regularly cleaned and simply left to its own devices – the ears. Do Ears Need to be Cleaned? Your ears produce earwax. Known medically as cerumen, the wax is…
How to Get Water out of Your Ears
As summer begins, we’re all excited to get outside and spend some time in the water. Unfortunately, splashing around to cool off can result in water becoming trapped in the ears, which at best is uncomfortable and at worst can cause an infection. Below is a guide to help you get water out of your…