How Allergies Affect Your Hearing
Allergies are common year-round in Albany; about 20 percent of the population struggles with them. Most people are aware of symptoms such as itchy and watery eyes; nasal congestion; runny nose; sneezing; cough and sore throat. Did you know that another side effect of allergies is hearing loss? Allergies & Ears Allergies are the body’s…
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss is Sometimes Misdiagnosed
For most people with hearing loss in Albany, the condition develops gradually. It can take years before you even realize you have a problem. Once in a while, hearing loss doesn’t take long at all to set in – it can happen suddenly, without warning. Naturally, this can be frightening! Even worse? The condition is…
10 Things Your Ears Can Tell You About Your Health
Your ears are more than simply handle vessels for collecting and funneling sounds to the brain. They make excellent eyeglass supports! AND they can tell you a lot about your health if you know what signs to look for. Pretty impressive, huh? Ears Provide Clues About Your Physical Health Your Albany audiologist says a cursory…
Age Increases Risk of Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline
A lot of things happen as we grow older. Some of them are good (senior discounts!) while others are less pleasant (receding hairline, anybody?). Hearing loss falls under the second category. It isn’t an inevitable part of aging, but the older you get, the more likely you are to experience a decline in hearing ability…
How Hearing Loss Affects Mental Health
It’s estimated that about one in five adults suffers from hearing loss in Albany. If you fall into this category, we hope you are seeking treatment. Untreated hearing loss is a nationwide epidemic that poses serious risks to your health – not just your physical health but your mental well-being. Hearing Impairment & Cognitive Disorders…
Surprising Causes of Hearing Loss in Albany
Hearing loss is one of the most common physical health conditions in Albany, affecting more people than all other medical disorders except arthritis and heart disease. That may come as an eye-opener to you! You might also be surprised to learn about some of the everyday causes of hearing loss overlooked by many. Aging, Noise…
Are There Different Types of Hearing Loss?
About one in five Albany residents experiences hearing loss to some degree. But unlike wristwatches, which are pretty much “one size fits all,” no two cases of hearing loss are identical. Diagnosing the cause and type of your hearing loss is instrumental in treating it. Diagnosing Hearing Loss In order to diagnose hearing loss, your…