What Are Your Treatment Options for Pediatric Snoring?
Approximately one in 10 children snore. Snoring occurs when air flowing past the relaxed tissues in your throat causes the tissues to vibrate as you breathe. While some snoring may occur with no identifiable cause, certain conditions can block or obstruct the airway, leading to an increased risk of pediatric snoring. Conditions which may cause…
What Is a Turbinate Reduction?
Turbinates are tiny bone structures in the nose. Some people with chronic nasal issues can benefit from turbinate reduction. Let’s take a closer look at what conditions turbinate reduction can help treat, as well as what to expect before, during and after the procedure. Causes of Swollen Turbinates Issues arise when the turbinates become swollen…
What Parents Should Keep in Mind About Their Children’s ENT Health
No parent wants to see their child sick, but unfortunately, it happens. For severe or chronic problems related to the ears, nose or throat, your child may be referred by their pediatrician to an ENT physician, also known as an otolaryngologist. Below we review what to keep in mind about your child’s ENT health. Snoring…
What Should I Expect During a Septoplasty?
The septum is the bone and cartilage that divides your nostrils. When the septum is crooked, it is known as a deviated septum. A deviated septum can impact your ability to breathe while hiking on Albany County Helderberg-Hudson Rail Trail. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects a deviated septum. Below we review everything you…
Can Nasal Cautery Help Stop My Child’s Nosebleeds?
It’s common for children to experience the occasional nosebleed, whether due to irritation or taking an accidental elbow to the face while playing with friends at Lincoln Park. While they can be frightening, they rarely require medical attention. However, if your child experiences frequent, recurring nosebleeds, nasal cautery may be necessary. What is Nasal Cautery?…
Nasal Polyp Removal: Recovery & Aftercare
Nasal polyps are teardrop-shaped growths that form in the nose or sinuses and interfere with your sense of smell. They can also cause nasal pressure, congestion and sinus infections. If your polyps don’t respond to medications, your doctor may recommend endoscopic sinus surgery to remove them. How Is Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Performed? To perform endoscopic…
Rhinoplasty: More than Just a Nose Job for Some
Rhinoplasty is a procedure that involves surgical reconstruction and reshaping of the bone and cartilage of the nose. It is sometimes referred to as a “nose job,” “nose reshaping” or “nasal surgery.” Though some undergo this procedure for cosmetic purposes, others get it to reshape the nose after trauma to the face or to improve…
When Does a Broken Nose Require Surgery?
It can be all too easy to break your nose when playing a competitive game of touch football at Lincoln Park or basketball at Albany Community Center. When this happens, there are two main ways it is treated: manual realignment or surgery. Below we cover when each is performed. Diagnosing a Broken Nose Your nose…
When Should You Be Concerned About a Nosebleed?
Nosebleeds, also known as epistaxis, are a common affliction and rarely cause for concern. However, in rare cases, you should seek medical attention for a nosebleed. We review the signs you should seek treatment below. Seek Medical Attention When… You should seek immediate medical attention for a nosebleed if… It involves heavy bleeding. It lasts longer than 15-30…
How to Clear an Obstruction from Your Child’s Nose
Kids are naturally curious, and because of this, they may put things where they don’t belong. This includes shoving watermelon seeds, rocks, sticks, pom pom balls or a small toy from G. Williker’s up their noses. The first time you discover a foreign object in your child’s nose may be alarming. Below we review how…